Woodrow the Wood Duck

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thoughts on Change

I'm not fond of change.
Things that stay the same comfort me, calm me,
give me a sense of continuity and peace.

I do not welcome change.
Unfamiliar scenes framed by window sills with new colors
interrupt the day to day flow of movement my eyes are used to.

I am afraid of change.
Afraid of losing a scent, a whisper, a likeness, a memory
Lost in the  transformation of my surroundings.

I am embracing change.
I may as well since it chases me and often catches me without warning,
making me lose my breath with dread and foreboding.

I am learning from change.
Once accepted and approved, I am amazed at my ability to learn
and increase: to adapt with grace to whatever new adventure awaits.

                                                               September 18, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Things I Like

I love how everyone is doing a  "things I like" post--it is informative AND entertaining so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon---here are some things I like!

Twilight at my house--sounds of crickets and frogs included

Early morning on the compound when there's a ground cloud over the field--especially when we have forgotten to turn off the tree lights--they glow in the foggy air and I love it.

The kids laughing.

The kids getting excited over something.

Hearing--I wish Robert could hear the night sounds out here--and how it's possible to tell that they are winding down--in another month or two it will be quiet out here at night.

The smell when they cut the grass.

Piano lessons

the new film app the kids have learned to use--they're pretty good!

Hot pudding

watching the deer creep out in the early afternoon all over the yard--when no one is here, of course

a good book

to be continued...........

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


This is the 11th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Flight 93 crash in PA.  If, indeed , any of my family reads this when I am no longer here I wanted them to know that the day was remembered.  I will always remember watching and praying for those caught in the towers as I watched that morning--How inspiring to hear the stories of heroism and selflessness on that day as people tried to help each other.  And particularly moving to hear the messages of those who would never be rescued as they left calls and texts to their loved ones.

May we all be aware that any day could be our last and that we should treasure every minute we have with each other while we are here. And I hope we would be as brave and thoughtful and selfless as we imagine we would be given horrendous circumstances.

I am  reminded of the quote by Joseph Smith from the Wentworth letter:
              "The standard of truth has been erected; no
              unhallowed hand can stop the work from
              progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may
              combine, armies amy assemble, calumny may
             defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly,
             nobly and independent, till it has penetrated
             every country and sounded in every ear, till the
             purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the
             Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."

Our family prayers should be with the families of all of those who lost their lives on September 11th 2001--be they friend or foe. May the work go forward and families be sealed together in the gospel as current events make us more aware of the need for peace--and strength---simultaneously.

Evening Boat Rides

                                                                   The Rain River
When it rains here it often creates a lovely river for the kids to play in. Weekend before last we had a great time watching the races in the front yard. Grandpa Jones brought up the canoe and it was so deep that even with all the kids piled in they could still push it and it flew by!  They had a blast and were filthy and wet by the end of the evening--which of course makes it more fun.  They went a little fast to suit me--but, as Tig says, I'm a scaredy-cat.  It was flying by pretty fast--they hit one of the persimmon trees a pretty good lick!

This is the type of river that Robert taught Woodrow the Wood Duck to swim in and where Joshua caught crawdads as they swam through the yard--he's the only one that ever caught them though they all spent many an hour trying to fish them out of holes with cheese and hot dogs on a string. He waited till it rained and scooped 'em up with a bucket.

We got so tickled at the weather reports which kept intoning the gloom and doom of storms over and over the past few weeks--every night.  As though that were something new and threatening.  This is Virginia.  It is hotter than the hubs of hell.  Every twilight brings the threat of thunderstorms--and thank goodness cause it's the only thing that cools us off!  We look forward to it! Let the river rise-- lightening flash through the clouds---the rains come---and play on!